Mar 15Kelly's Book Log: TINA TURNER: My Love Story"The real power behind whatever success I have now was something I found within myself--something that's in all of us, I think, a little...
Feb 2Kelly's Book Log: ATOMIC HABITS by James ClearOnce you have a full list, look at each behavior, and ask yourself, 'Is this a good habit, a bad habit, or a neutral habit?'--author,...
Jan 26Kelly's Book Log: The Essential Guide to Intermittent Fasting by Megan RamosFinding the type of fast that suits you and your body is what I want to help you discover. --Megan Ramos January is a good month to focus...
Jan 12Kelly's Book Log: MALIBU RISING by Taylor Jenkins ReidSo nice to sit by an imaginary ocean in the middle of Canadian winter. I would read a prescription if it had Reid’s name on it. Great...